About Us

The Nottingham Anglo-French Society is affiliated to the Alliance Française de Londres which assists us by providing a subsidy and a list of people who give talks and lectures on a wide range of topics. These are French people who live in Britain, some are British, while others make lecture tours from France.

L’Alliance Française

The organisation was founded in Paris in 1883, as a means of making all aspects of French life and culture more widely known internationally. It is now present in 130 countries, with 1,300 teaching centres.

In addition to the many affiliated branches throughout the world, L’Alliance Française has a base in London where courses are held to teach French at all levels.

L’Alliance Française offers assessments at the end of each course and its diplomas are recognised by most French educational bodies. For further information please go to the Alliance Française website

The Nottingham Anglo-French Society holds regular meetings on Friday evenings from October to June in St Mary’s Church Hall, Wollaton Hall Drive, Nottingham, NG8 1AF.
This is off Derby Road almost opposite Queen’s Medical Centre.

From Autumn 2023, all our talks but one will be held at St Mary’s Church Hall, and on zoom simultaneously. Soirées amicales are held at St Mary’s Church Hall only. If there are any changes, members will be informed by e-mail. For more details, please click on our programme.

The introduction and notices are mostly given in French and English and the lectures are delivered in French, usually by native speakers.

Anyone with an interest in the French language and culture will be warmly welcomed.

There is usually a coffee break in the middle of the lectures and we try to have a number of social events during the year.

All meetings take place at 7.30pm, unless otherwise stated.

Our Facebook page lists information about next meetings here: facebook.com/NottsAngloFrench

We have a Facebook group where you can chat to other members and share relevant posts here: facebook.com/groups/nottsanglofrench/

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…with the Nottingham Anglo-French Society

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