Nottingham French Conversation Group
If you want to practice your French, you can also join the Nottingham French Conversation Group which meets on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at The Bell Inn, 18 Angel Row, Nottingham. All levels are welcome from beginners to advanced, including native French speakers. They also organise hikes during which one can chat in French. Cinema, theatre, art gallery and concert hall outings are frequently arranged. Find all the details of our activities on our Facebook page “Nottingham French Conversation Group”
Si vous voulez pratiquer votre français, vous pouvez aussi vous joindre au Nottingham French Conversation Group qui se réunit les lundi soirs à 19 heures au pub “The Bell Inn”, 18 Angel Row, Nottingham. Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus, débutants ou plus avancés, y compris les francophones natifs. Ils organisent également des randonnées au cours desquelles on peut converser en français. Des sorties au cinéma, théâtre, galeries d’art et salles de concert sont fréquemment organisées. Vous trouverez les détails de ces activités sur notre page Facebook “Nottingham French Conversation Group“, (Cliquez sur “Groupes”).
And other useful links
Looking to deepen your French language and cultural journey? Explore a wealth of resources beyond our circle. Immerse yourself in French cinema, literature, and music. Discover online language learning platforms, podcasts, and language exchange groups. Engage with French-speaking communities on social media. Remember, every step, big or small, brings you closer to fluency and cultural understanding.
The Cercles Francais lists all the virtual or face-to-face talks and has a list of all the French Circles.
The Broadway Cinema in Nottingham and the Quad in Derby often screen foreign language films, including French ones. Look out for the French Film Festival.